Article 11317

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Klimovich Liudmila Valeryevna, Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of history, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov (4 100-letia so dnya rozhdeniya V. I. Lenina square, Ulyanovsk, Russia),
Lukicheva Lyubov' Yur'evna, Researhc assistant, department of modern problems, Research Institute of History and Culture of Ulyanovsk region named after N. M. Karamzin (13/91A Goncharova street, Ulyanovsk, Russia),

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Background. Modern education is designed to help young people decide not only with the choice of profession, but also with life plans, self-determination. Education at the moment contributes to the formation of today’s youth in particular sociocultural identity. Creating a higher education social mobility conditions actualizes the problem of preservation of their ethnic and cultural identity of immigrants and a positive attitude to the Russian state. In order to study the problem of preserving ethnic and cultural identity with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund the sub-department of philosophy, sociology and political science of Ulyanovsk State University carried out a sociological study named “Social and cultural identity of modern Russian youth abroad”.
Materials and methods. On the basis of the sub-department of philosophy, sociology and political science at Ulyanovsk State University with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund we conducted a sociological study “Sociocultural identity of the modern Russian-speaking youth abroad” in the first quarter of 2016. The online survey involved 106 graduates of Russian universities, who emigrated in the years 2001–2015 from Russia at the age of 18 to 35.
Results. A modern young man-emigrant is highly educated, has the experience of being abroad, speaks a foreign language fluently. Also, immigrants are characterized by a low level of religiosity, which directly affects the desire to preserve their cultural identity abroad. Young people recognize themselves as Russian (the Russians), but are not ready to take action aimed at the maintenance of their cultural and ethnic identity, preservation of collective patterns of behavior and traditions. The demand for non-governmental organizations aimed at supporting compatriots abroad is low. At the same time, these organizations of assistance, interest clubs could become mechanism for cultural and ethnic identity preservation.
Conclusions. A study of the current state of cultural and ethnic identity of young Russian-speaking immigrants showed that the majority supports the cultural identity of the country of origin. The preservation of cultural identity happens at the individual and collective level, as evidenced by low need and importance of public and diaspora organizations of compatriots. Public and diaspora organizations do not perform the function of broadcasting of the continuity.

Key words

identity, socio-cultural identity, youth, migration, immigrant

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Дата создания: 19.04.2018 14:34
Дата обновления: 20.04.2018 10:51